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Ένα μικρό σπίτι, Le Corbusier, 1923
"Houselife", Beka, Lemoine Video for OMA's Villa a Bordeaux (video: 59')
Joseph Rykwert, On Adam's House in Paradise: The Idea of the Primitive Hut in Architectural History (2nd edition) 1981
Jean Prouve's House, Nancy (video 24:00)
The Greek House in Late Classical Times, Walter-Karydi Elena, 1998
Σπίτια ακραίας άνεσης, Πέτρος Μπαμπασίκας, ΔΟΜΕΣ 07/09
Urban Country House,
Αριστείδης Αντωνάς, 2014
Living a House,
Alvaro Siza, 1994
The Dialectics of Inside and Outside, Gaston Bachelard,
Intimacy and Privacy, Witold Rybczinsky, 1986
Oneiric House, Gaston Bachelard, 1948
Το Εγκώμιο της Σκιάς, Junichiro Tanizaki,
Αφορισμοί για το Χτίσιμο Σπιτιών, O. M. Ungers, ΔΟΜΕΣ, 10/2006
The Un-Private House,
Terence Riley, 1999
A Home is Not a House, Reyner Banham, 1965
Pierre Chareu Maison de Verre (video 24:42)
The Body in the Centre (p.40), Juhani Pallasmaa, 2005
Frontality vs Rotation, Kenneth Frampton, 1975
Πρωταρχική Αστικοποίηση,
Γ. Σαρηγιάννης, 1993
The Post-Modern House, Joseph Hudnut, 1945
The Lovell Health House, Richard Neutra (1929) (video 2:50)
R. M. Schindler: The Lovell Beach House (video 22:59)
Villa E-1027, Eileen Gray / Le Cabanon, Le Corbusier (virtual tour)
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